Here is a listing of the lastest news for DragonMyst and Elf Clan.  Date: 24-01-20


We have been very busy creating our new region DragonMyst.

As most know, creating a new region is a long and time-consuming process.
However over the last month we have made great progress on this region.
At this time very little of the landscaping is in place. (Trees, foliage, grass).
These are things that make the region feel "real" and less like flat computerized grass.
However, all of our buildings and event items are in place,
and landscaping is next on the list.
Elf Clan is the group, while DragonMyst is the land.
DragonMyst is a themed region hosted by Elf Clan.
If you'd like to be part of the ongoing DragonMyst experience and events, please join the ELF CLAN group.



Here is a brief preview of some of the things already in place:
When you first enter DragonMyst you will land by the Dragon Fountain.
It contains information on the region and group/visitor conduct-- valuable reading!
Note that CHAT is active region-wide, so our Dragons can communicate no matter where they are perched.
(You can still conduct private conversations in IM and Conference chat).



You will notice a PORTAL to the left of the fountain.
Click it, and you can teleport anywhere on the region.


THE FLOATING CASTLE.  This ancient Elf Clan structure will bring back memories to older members.


Within the Castle are various displays, but most notably the original Elf Clan Archery Range.
BattleMace Arena.  This is Elf Clan's oldest game, original and unique and created specifically for our group.
BattleMace is a harmless "battle" game where you try to knock your opponent off of a platform.
It is lots of fun.  Click the sign for information, instructions and free weaponry.
Critterball.  This high-sky arena is a game of tiny-avatar soccer.
Indeed, the ball is larger than the players, which provides great amusement.
Larger players may sit in the abundant seating to enjoy the spectacle.
The Dragon Dance Platform is a really huge dragon-size dance floor.
It contains dance balls and devices for various species, including Tinies, Dinkies, and humans.
Dragons usually have their own dance animations, as they differ for each type of dragon.
The VOLCANO is a primary tourist attraction. Be sure to enter and see the wonders there.
Dragon Pool. This is an area of relaxation for our dragons and smaller friends.
It contains two dragon-size bathing pools, ledges for dragons to sit on,
and a couple of "Beholder Chairs" for smaller visitors who wish to relax...
if one can indeed relax while sitting inside the mouth of a beholder.
Trail Rides.  There is a primary trail ride at ground level (the blue stones),
which passes by the major ground-level DragonForge attractions.
At the beginning of the trail (next to the Volcano) is a horse rezzer for those without horses
or who wish to try a horse different from their own.
It's not a long trail ride (we have only one region), but it's enjoyable.
Horse Racing.  In high sky are two horse race tracks that can double as trail rides.
Feel free to enjoy them any time you like. DragonMyst is open to visitors 24/7/365.
EVEN MORE RACE TRACKS.  In high-sky DragonMyst we have six race tracks.
You can access them via the portals.  They are all different styles, shapes and purposes.
Some are standard tracks, some sci-fi (one is even zero-gravity),
and as mentioned there are a couple of nature-themed horse race tracks as well.
Some are car race tracks and some are fantasy race tracks.
On these we will be hosting such events as Giant Snail Races, Fantasy Beast Races and more.
The Elf Clan Museum. This "constantly changing" collection hosts the history
of both Elf Clan and DragonMyst.  In the bookcases you will find documents pertaining
to the history of our group and lands.  On the walls you will find photo slideshow viewers
containing historic pictures of Elf Clan activities and artwork by our members,
as well as a slideshow of an original song by the Elf Clan Founder, Wayfinder Wishbringer.


Elven Garden.  This beautiful garden contains at its center a Chat Circle,
where members can meet for general conversation, or host meetings / events
pertaining to group and land interests. 
The Sandbox is a nice area under the floating castle where you can create or rez items.
Be sure to read the Sandbox information for guidelines.


For many years now Elf Clan has hosted sci-fi and Steampunk as part of its theme.
On Opensim we host the high-sky Replicant City, a multi-genre work started in 2010.
Frankenstein is as its name implies, a stitched-together collection of different themes.
ElvenSong, high sky Replicant City, and Frankenstein are all on OSgrid... 50 regions of fun.
On Second Life, DragonMyst carries on that tradition.
In high-sky DragonMyst you will find two arenas based on the TRON movies.
Both games, LIGHT CYCLES and DISC ARENA are very similar to their movie counterparts.
Like the movies, the arenas aren't fancy... but the games are much fun.
We think you will enjoy our TRON events.  Feel free to practice with your friends, any time.
Even in our earlier days on Second Life, Elf Clan sponsored WH40K events.
In high-sky DragonMyst you will find five WH40K arenas:
TARGET SHOOTING, to hone your skills
MELEE ARENA for laser-tag-style battle scenarios
DRONE ARENA with automatic flying attacking drones and score boards
BATTLEMACE... Warhammer 40K style
SPACE HULK.  WH40K battle aboard a "derelict spaceship"
(well, inside pretty neat hallways anyway)
In the old days we even had a Star Trek ship set up on its own island...
because we realize that not everyone is totally into fantasy.  
Now we have eleven starships at Replicant City on ElvenSong OSgrid.
Not everyone is a dragon or elf or pixie or one of dozens of other fantasy species.
Some people prefer a good blaster and starship over a sword and wings. 
So we like to diversify a bit in high sky, while maintaining a fantasy setting at ground level.
The best of both worlds.
These are the things set up thus far.  DragonMyst is progressing toward our Grand Opening.
We are still working on it and have much more planned for the future.
Keep tied in to Elf Clan group notices to learn about the upcoming
Petite Island and the Creepy Caverns exhibit.
We will also be hosting events on at least a weekly basis,
depending on our time and energy.  You can count on enjoyable
BattleMace and Critterball games as well as Trail Rides and other events.
While we won't be as intensively active as the olden days,
(mainly because many of us are considerably older and have less energy than back then),
we still plan to have lots of fun and bring you our family-friendly environment,
along with the added enjoyment of our loyal Dragons joining the mix!
And yes... Orcs / Orks are always welcome.





































































